Wednesday, February 24, 2010

whats goin on

its easy to feel less than in this world when your account is negative.
the lost cause in this world of 'success..'
its so beautiful how god invites us to be apart of a loving system outside that of capitalism :)

i left drumming and dance the other day feeling lifted and bright..
peace amidst chaos.
one of the most beautiful moments to breathe in and share.
i want this moment to freeze in my my mind wont drift to doubt and emptiness.
you tell us not to worry.
how hard it is sometimes..
this way of life is so engrained in our bones
"Everyone who has more, will be give more
but as the one who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away" -luke 19:26

A friend told me slipping in the ignored sidewalks of kensington:
this place we live in has a normalcy of
death, greed, corruption, injustice, power over the least of these
everything good comes from the one who loves.
a gift.
a glimpse of the yet fulfilled promise.
we shall not worry
trusting that we are loved, humbly taken care of.

it is time to scream on mountaintops
proudly soak in the ashen cross

Every day is a desert to those who chose the journey of seeking wholeness..
trusting for each drop of water to place one foot in front the other

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

new changes

my walk has been as such:
ironing out the wrinkles..

good but i have to press hard on that iron.

stopped working at circle and on to full time coffee.

here is my leap!

so i write consistently in this journal..collecting stories of philadelphia. i was readin' back and found this dated 5.28.09

Day at gym.
sweaty from running. 250 cal.
Now some leg lifts
Hamp to my left and Bertha right in front

the people are open here at the YMCA.
excited to talk and share with
talk well recieved.
a safe haven...

Hamp: "White people always want to rule!"
Me: "Why you speakin' in absolutes. not all white people are the same"
Bertha: " betta be careful. she looks mixed"
Me: "yes ma'am."

The conversation went on about 'the only way to end racisim and ill thought of one another is to change thought & educate our children.' Listen to our words we use, you use "dawg, nigga..."
Let us notice our traits of separation and degregation
with a goal to produce life, peace in the eyes of God
God crosses all racial barriers.
Here we go.
now act.