Monday, November 2, 2009

life project. story of a mother

The life project was a sweet night. many organizations & individuals sharin' what they are doing in the area. it was a lot of work...but i hoped more people could attend and get connected.

here is a story from a lady who sees her mission to share her story with as many folk that passes her way. she was beautiful. vulnerable. and wise.


I was in college. i got pregnant.
my boyfriend and i agreed to have an abortion.
i went to the clinic.
"Ow!" i said. " Shut up! look what you made me do," said the doctor.
i left the room. my body felt like little needles exploding through my insides.
over and over.
"you just had an abortion. what else were you expecting," said the nurse.
something was wrong. but no one was listening.
the nurse handed me pain pills. and guided me to the recovery room.
to my left was a new mother.
to my right was a lady who just had her 5th abortion.
and i was still throbbing in pain.
a week went by, and i still knew something was wrong.
i went to the emergency room. they kept asking so many questions. so many
how many times do i have to say i killed my child.

i found out that the doctor, during the abortion, punctured my uterus
i was 22 and had to have a hysterectomy.

and oh how i would give everything to hold my own child....but knowing i will never be able to.

and so. i continue to tell my story 32 years later.

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